Updated in June 22nd, 2021

You can use Python to something like this:

BMI Calculator:

height = float(input("What is your height in meters? "))
weight = float(input("What is your weight? "))
bmi_cal = weight/height**2

if bmi_cal < 18.5:
    print("You are a underweight")
elif 25 > bmi_cal > 18.5:
    print("You are in normal weight zone.")
elif 30 > bmi_cal > 25:
    print("You are overweight")
elif 35 > bmi_cal > 30:
    print("You are obese")
    print("Clinically Obese")

Screenshot 2022-11-23 at 10.00.17 PM.png

Age and Height Check:

height = int(input("What is your height? "))

if height > 120:
    print("Welcome to the ride!")
    age = int(input("Your age? "))
    y_o_n = input("Would you like to print the photo Y or N? ")
    bill = 0
    if age < 12:
        print("The ticket will be $5")
        bill += 5
    elif 18 > age >= 12:
        print("The ticket will be $7")
        bill += 7
        print("The ticket will be $12")
        bill += 12
    if y_o_n == "Y":
        print("The photo will be $3")
        bill += 3
        print(f"Your total bill will be ${bill}")
        print(f"Your total bill will be ${bill}")
    print("Sorry, you cannot ride this ride. ")

Screenshot 2022-11-23 at 10.32.38 PM.png

Pizza Ordering:

print("Welcome to Python Pizza Delivery, PPD!")
size = input("What size of pizza do you want? S,M or L? ")
add_Pepperoni = input("Would you like to add Pepperoni on your pizza? Yes or No? ")
extra_Cheese = input("Do you want extra cheese? Yes or No? ")
sum = 0

if size == "S":
    sum += 15
    if add_Pepperoni == "Yes":
        sum += 2
    if extra_Cheese == "Yes":
        sum += 1
    print(f"Your total bill will be $ {sum}")
elif size == "M":
    sum += 20
    if add_Pepperoni == "Yes":
        sum += 3
    if extra_Cheese == "Yes":
        sum += 1
    print(f"Your total bill will be $ {sum}")
elif size == "L":
    sum += 25
    if add_Pepperoni == "Yes":
        sum += 3
    if extra_Cheese == "Yes":
        sum += 1
    print(f"Your total bill will be $ {sum}")

Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 11.32.30 AM.png

Treasure Hunt:

print("Welcome to Treasure Island\\n")
print("Your mission is to find the treasure")
name = input("Well, well, What is your name? ")
print(f"Hi! {name}")
left_Or_Right = input("There's a two ways you cant enter this hunt. Left or Right? ")
if left_Or_Right == "Right":
    print("Game Over.")
elif left_Or_Right == "Left":
    s_W = input("Swim or Wait? ")
    if s_W == "Swim":
        print("Attacked by trout Game Over.")
    elif s_W == "Wait":
        door = input("Which door you want to enter? Red?, Blue? or Yellow?" )
        if door == "Red":
            print("Burned by fire Game Over. ")
        elif door == "Blue":
            print("Eaten by beasts Game Over. ")
        elif door == "Yellow":
            print("You Win!")

Screenshot 2022-12-05 at 12.03.13 PM.png

Screenshot 2022-12-05 at 12.03.10 PM.png

Tip Calculator:

print("Welcome to tip calculator!")
main_Money = float(input("How much do you need to pay? $"))
main_Tip = float(input("What percentage of tip would you like to give? 10, 12 or 15? "))
main_People = float(input("How many people would you like split it up? "))
main_TipCal = main_Money *(main_Tip/100)
main_TipTotal = (main_Money  + main_TipCal )/main_People
exact_Money = round(main_TipTotal , 2)
print(f"Each person need to pay {exact_Money}")