Question: Write a C++ program to implement a class Rectangle that represents a rectangle. The class should have private data members length and width, and public member functions to set the length and width, calculate the area, calculate the perimeter, and display the details of the rectangle.

Your program should provide a menu-driven interface that allows the user to perform the following actions:

  1. Set the length and width of the rectangle.
  2. Calculate and display the area of the rectangle.
  3. Calculate and display the perimeter of the rectangle.
  4. Display the details of the rectangle (length, width, area, and perimeter).
  5. Exit the program.


1. Set Length and Width
2. Calculate Area
3. Calculate Perimeter
4. Display Rectangle Details
5. Exit

Enter your choice: 1
Enter length: 5
Enter width: 3

1. Set Length and Width
2. Calculate Area
3. Calculate Perimeter
4. Display Rectangle Details
5. Exit

Enter your choice: 2
Area of the rectangle: 15

1. Set Length and Width
2. Calculate Area
3. Calculate Perimeter
4. Display Rectangle Details
5. Exit

Enter your choice: 3
Perimeter of the rectangle: 16

1. Set Length and Width
2. Calculate Area
3. Calculate Perimeter
4. Display Rectangle Details
5. Exit

Enter your choice: 4
Rectangle Details:
Length: 5
Width: 3
Area: 15
Perimeter: 16

1. Set Length and Width
2. Calculate Area
3. Calculate Perimeter
4. Display Rectangle Details
5. Exit

Enter your choice: 5
Exiting the program.

In this question, you'll need to design and implement the Rectangle class with appropriate member functions and data members. The program should provide a menu to interact with the user and perform the desired actions accordingly.

This is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

void menuList();

int main() {
    int menu;
    int l, w;
    int area, perimeter;
    cout << "Enter your choice: ";
    cin >> menu;

    while (menu <= 5) {
        switch (menu) {
        case 1:
            cout << "Enter the length: ";
            cin >> l;
            cout << "Enter the width: ";
            cin >> w;
            area = l * w;
            perimeter = 2 * (l + w);
        case 2:
            cout << "Area of the rectangle: " << area << '\\n';
        case 3:
            cout << "Perimeter of the rectangle: " << perimeter << '\\n';
        case 4:
            cout << "Rectangle Details:\\n";
            cout << "Length: " << l << "\\n";
            cout << "Width: " << w << "\\n";
            cout << "Area: " << area << '\\n';
            cout << "Perimeter: " << perimeter << '\\n';
        case 5:
            cout << "Thank You\\n";
            return 0;
            cout << "Invalid choice\\n";

        cout << "Enter your choice: ";
        cin >> menu;

    return 0;

void menuList() {
    string menu[5] = {"Set Length and Width", "Calculate Area", "Calculate Perimeter", "Display Rectangle Details", "Exit"};
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        cout << i + 1 << ". " << menu[i] << "\\n";